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Zensura for Windows 3.32

Zensura for Windows 3.32

Zensura for Windows Publisher's Description

Zensura¿ is a program for evaluating scalable human performances. It is suitably e.g. for teachers, sport coaches, professors etc. in the whole world. - store as many evaluations of a person's group as you like in one file (most modern data base technique). - modify the printouts according to your desires. Use your text processing program as report generator. - there are no compromises with any valuation scales. Zensura¿ solves all problems with rounding, tendency display etc., because you may use a valuation system editor. - define any areas, within which you collect evaluations. With "rubber bands " between the areas you determine the calculation of the final results. - save individual valuations with date, weighting in proportion to similar valuations and notes clearly within different areas. - any periods are possible, like years, half-years, months... - there are numerous (logic) files for many cases. Use your own Zensura files again as logic files for new Zensura¿ files. Logic files are taken over with few mouse clicks. - tests with evaluation points or errors or weighted individual values are possible. It is even possible to create a "mixed" test. - use "global valuation keys", which you can access crosswise over all files. - numerous interfaces (also to the Bavarian pupil administration software WINSV). - sorting according to names, performance, birthday, sex or own criteria. - barriers persons from lists, without really deleting their data. - Zensura¿ allows notes to individual valuations, subject specific notes to persons and unspecific notes to persons. - Zensura¿ works also in a network. - Zensura¿ can unite subjects (different logic) from different files again. - context sensitive help with F1. Zensura¿ needs MDAC database engine, available at for free.

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